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Computer notation
Ways to describe, store and communicate musical notes in digital realm

Computers opened up the diverse methods for describing, reproducing, and communicating music in the digital era. This includes MIDI, Piano Roll, ABC notation, and other digital notation systems. As we continue to innovate and experiment with technology, these tools are not only used to transcribe traditional music but also to create new forms of sonic expression.

One of the most commonly used computer notations is MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). MIDI is a protocol that allows computers, synthesizers, MIDI controllers, sound cards, samplers and drum machines to control one another and exchange system data. It does not contain any sounds, but instructions that tell a device what to do.

Another important computer notation is the Piano roll. In modern digital audio workstations, the piano roll is a virtual grid representing time on the horizontal axis and MIDI notes on the vertical axis. This interface allows for precise control over the pitch, duration, and timing of notes. It has become a fundamental tool in digital music production, enabling composers to write, edit, and arrange their work in a visual interface.

ABC-notation is a simple yet powerful ASCII musical notation for folk and traditional music. It was designed as a language for notating music in plain text files. The simplicity of ABC notation makes it ideal for sharing tunes through email and over the internet. Ring Tone Text Transfer Language is another example of compact ASCII-based computer notation.

As we delve into the world of digital music notation, we also encounter innovative ways to represent music, such as colorizing staff notation or piano rolls. These methods provide a visual way to understand the tonal relationships and structures within a piece of music. For instance, the Chromatone system uses colors to denote different pitches, creating a vibrant and intuitive musical landscape.

In conclusion, computer notation is a vast and evolving field, opening up new possibilities for how we create, interact with, and understand music. As technology continues to advance, we can only imagine the future innovations that will further revolutionize the way we notate and perceive music.

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