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Flexible metronome bars to construct any possible rhythm

Here you have a linear version of the colorful metronome to play with.

  1. You can add any number of tracks to explore different rhythm combinations.
  2. For each bar you can set a number of beats (1-16) with the top left slider. It's corresponding to the top number of a meter.
  3. Set the number of subdivisions (1-16) of a measure with the top right slider. If the left and right numbers are equal you get a full loop cycle equal to one measure. But many more combinations are possible!
  4. Turn steps on and off by clicking the colored segments. The colorful lines connect all active steps of the sequence.
  5. You can set accents on certain steps by clicking the step number. Filled circles produce an accented sound, hollow ones are regular beats.
  6. The most powerful thing is the subdivisions of any step – just click and drag the bottom of any beat to subdivide it into any number of steps. Compose very complex patterns with triplets, quadriplets, quintuplets and more. You can even mute any of the subdivisions – pure rhythmic freedom to play and to see. Change the BPM by dragging across the tempo information at the top right. Or by clicking the add/multiply buttons.
  7. You can choose one of 5 sound kits for the bar independently. Just drag or click the bottom right slider (that one with the letters A-D).
  8. Adjust the panning and the volume of each loop with the sliders on the bottom left. You can even set two independent rhythms to play in two separate channels (left and right).
  9. Press play button at the top left of the control bar and listen to the patterns you've created. The playback may be paused and resumed from that place or stopped and reset with the stop button . If you don't hear any sound on you mobile – just turn off the silent mode. Tested on iOS, it works!
  10. There are two arrows and near the meter numbers at the top of the loops. With them you can rotate the pattern left or right at any moment, producing even more complex and evolving sequences.
  11. Use the and buttons of the control bar at the top to incrementally change the tempo by one BPM. Or press and button to divide/multiply the tempo by two. It's like traversing the octaves of sound pitches. Notice that you get the same 'note' and starting color for these tempos.
  12. You can also just tap and drag the section with the BPM numbers to change the tempo gradually, either with touch on mobile or mouse pointer on desktop.
  13. At the control bar you can find buttons to get the tempo from the world around you. The ear button activates the sophisticated analyser that can determine the tempo from any incoming audio signal. Turn it on and let the microphone hear your rhythm: clap it, stomp it, sign it or just turn the music on. The app will listen to the audio and show its guess in the box near the button. If you like what you get just press the number and the tempo will be set to the metronome itself.
  14. The hand button is just good old tap tempo. Tap it three times or more to see the tempo you've imagined or hear playing. The more you tap – the more precise the result gets. Then tap the number to set the main tempo to the new value.
  15. If you see a square icon at the bottom left corner, you are able to open the circle metronome to the full screen. What an immense experience!
  16. Once you build some interesting patterns you can export them as a MIDI file to use in any DAW or other MIDI-compatible tool. Just press the button at the bottom and choose a place to save it to your system. Then you can drag and drop it to your DAW timeline, choose intrument for the tracks and transpose the notes to desired notes.
  17. Explore our rhythm theory section for inspiration about what to dial into the loops. This app can act as a simple visual and audial cue for your music practice or become a tool to explore the enormous space of possible rhythmic combinations. Polyrhythms have never been so easy to see and internalise. The colors and the form of the metronome can help sticking to the tempo even in silence. Be creative and feel the power of this rhythm visualisation tool.
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