Noise generation tool
A simple tool to generate some noise. Let's look at the possibilities.
- The noise generator section
- You can start the noise by tapping the NOISE button at the top left. There's a latch in the bottom of this button to fix the noise playing. Click it again to unlatch the sound playing. The other way is to press A – the sound will play as long as you hold it.
- The DRY slider determines the volume of the initial noise source.
- Choose the type of the noise (its 'color') between Brown, Pink and White.
- White noise is a random signal having equal intensity at different frequencies, giving it a constant power spectral density.
- Pink noise or 1⁄f noise is a signal or process with a frequency spectrum such that the power spectral density (power per frequency interval) is inversely proportional to the frequency of the signal. In pink noise, each octave interval (halving or doubling in frequency) carries an equal amount of noise energy. Pink noise is one of the most common signals in biological systems.
- The spectral density of the Brown noise is inversely proportional to f^2, meaning it has higher intensity at lower frequencies, even more so than pink noise. It decreases in intensity by 6 dB per octave (20 dB per decade) and, when heard, has a "damped" or "soft" quality compared to white and pink noise.
- Next is the ADSR controls group: drag ATTACK, DECAY, SUSTAIN and RELEASE sliders to adjust the signal envelope.
- Auto-filter section. Press or latch the FILTER button to engage the filter. Change the FREQUENCY, OCTAVES and Q-FACTOR of the filter. Choose LP (Low-Pass), HP (High-pass) or BP (Band-pass) filter type. Then goes the PLAY button to turn on the LFO of the filter. LFO and DEPTH sliders set the swing of the filter and next you have the choise of the Low Frequency Oscillator.
- A Bitcrusher is an audio effect that produces distortion by reducing of the resolution or bandwidth of digital audio data. The resulting quantization noise may produce a "warmer" sound impression, or a harsh one, depending on the amount of reduction. Set the volume of the bus, the BITS resolution and the WET parameter of how much of the signal should come through.
- Auto-panner section makes the sound move from left to right with another LFO. Turn on the PAN to turn on the effect. Latch the PLAY button to make the panning move. LFO sets the frequency of the movement, DEPTH sets the amplitude of it.