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Why WebMIDI is not supported in iOS?
The story of WebMIDI browser abandonment

I gave it a quick try and it didn't seem to work either on the referenced site or on my own It only worked on the default page that simply logs the notes being played. I didn't spend time trying to debug it however. kanefsky 12/21/22

Looks like WebMIDI browser on iPad is finally dead after 8 years of no updates, at least for my webapp, that had 7 years of constant updates

Hi! My name is Denis and I'm the author and developer of Chromatone - the Visual Music Language online research hub. I'm building it as an open source web-app from 2017 here . It was a move from limitations of Wordpress to freedom of creativity with Vue, Vite, Vitepress, Tone.js, Elementary.js and, of course, WebMIDI.js. Now we're at 2.9.x version and approaching 3.0. I started with WebMIDI even before

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